Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Swollen Lymph Nodes A Pep Side Effect?

Ricetta per un momento tutto per te

 Non so da voi, ma qui diluvia. E' il terzo giorno consecutivo. La pioggia scende dirompente e forti raffiche di vento scuotono tutto. E' freddo, e l'unico posto in cui si sta davvero bene รจ casa. Possibilmente con il camino on, on the couch with a cup of steaming tea on the side.
After all the rain that has its positive. I
the afternoon (or part thereof) free, so I decided to dedicate it to me. I do follow a special recipe whose first ingredient is the music .. soft. What I choose is Giovanni Allevi, back to life. I plan to repeat, I want to hear and play back .. makes me feel good.
The second ingredient are scented candles

Another key ingredient is the tranquility. I close the bathroom door, leaving it all out. concerns, thoughts, commitments. I shut the port in the world for the next half hour there's only me.

Empty your mind, sometimes it is necessary to detoxify the body. The benefits are obvious: improved blood pressure and oxygen to tissues.
It 's a regeneration from the body but comes straight to mind straight.
The water in which I dip hot, frothy, colorful and deliciously scented masterpiece from a Lush: The sky is always bluer

This is a special moment, a real beauty ritual . I close my eyes and let myself be soothed by hints of Giovanni Allevi. All around is silence and peace. It 's like my spiritual centers were being opened, I grow in harmony with my surroundings, and especially with myself. I remain to soak his head slightly dropped in the water, and breath deeply. Draw heavily from the nose and exhale through your mouth mentally visualizing the path that follows the air inside of my body (and if this is not yoga, I am not I!).
works are completely relaxed. One more time 'and then begin to slowly move your legs in the water to get in touch with reality.
I feel good, to the end.

Ready to reopen the door, but not still satisfied, pampering, decided to make myself a scrub. I use my angels on the skin, as you know, is my favorite scrub at this time. After cleaning the skin lay on my face moisturizing mask

This form gives my skin optimal hydration with hyaluronic acid which penetrates deep. It 's a product that, for now, do not give up. My skin in 10 minutes (depending on the requirement but also 15!) Is smooth, supple and radiant.

One last cuddle, moisturizing body balm. Fragrant and a caress morbissima!

Rigenerata relaxed and re-open the door to the world. Welcome back friend of the world ^ _ ^


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