I love coffee.
Like so much that I could not help it. The morning wake up with her perfume that lingers in the house I put in a good mood. In the afternoon, accompanied by a chocolate makes me happy. For me it's always the right time for coffee. But Haim, I have to give me a brake. Coffee excites and, when taken in large doses, is very bad. Nevertheless I love it. And that (come to us!) Is particularly useful for our skin.
Una volta fatto il caffè, conservate la polvere che ne rimane. Vi serviranno almeno 3 moka medie. Accumulate la polvere di caffè in una ciotolina coperta con della carta stagnola e, una volta arrivati alla dose giusta (dovete vedere voi effettivamente la quantità, considerate che dovete utilizzarla su tutto il corpo!), la pozione magica è pronta per essere utilizzata.
Magica perché in poche passate trasformerà la vostra pelle in qualcosa di nuovo. Rigenerata, pulita, morbida (sembra assurdo èh?! eppure è proprio così!!) vi sembrerà di aver cambiato pelle.
In market there are many exfoliating products, some of which are very effective but also quite expensive. This scrub that I propose I was, I assure you, great. With a few massage removes all dead skin cells and .... does not cost anything!
Take a few minutes, get in the tub or shower, pour a little (somewhat) of the skin and massage your body with the ground coffee. Rinse it all away and feel soft.
Try it and let me know how it goes!
A hug, Giorgia
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