Saturday, March 12, 2011

Vidoes Of People Masterbateing Of Men

Dopo di Lui (cosa accadrà?!!)

"... The guest list was ready. Lying with attention and care, without forgetting anyone. He looked at me from above the table the kitchen and reminded me that only one month to the big day. A month in which I alternate to the usual boring questions everyday practical issues such as flowers, location, invitations, dress, acconciantura, makeup, menus, gifts. If I could, I would have gladly avoided all this uproar of constraints. But those were the rules and I'd met. Also because the only thing that I really wanted, from the bottom, was that that day was perfect. As I had always dreamed of. To this I would have done everything with extreme care and attention. For this time, despite the sleepless nights, I took the car, I would have done 20 km in traffic and I was going to choose the cake.
Daniel joined me soon after. He was very excited preparations liked him a lot.
"So - I said - you have some idea?"
I leaned back, I did not.
"Come on, Claudia, always so unhappy. My love and do a smile every now and then! These are things that we do, we can not delegate. It's our event, our "
He repeated stressing the tone of voice that adjective.
Prayer. You incredible flood of feelings that could inspire in me. It meant that I was not alone, that he was there by my side. That together we would face all the grains, but also all the joys of that period. Prayer, yes, it was our event and everything would be all for the better.
smiled at a time of Daniel that kept looking at me with smiling eyes and confident
"Well, some ideuzza I have, however, we also see what the chef suggests. What do you say? "
" I say it is perfect, and we choose the most fantastic cake that will have to propose! "
His cheerfulness did me good, hugged him a little 'more enthusiastic myself.
As I had planned, the route was on fire. To get to the euro from home we stayed in line for over an hour. I was distraught, nerves and stress.
"This city is starting mulches to close, "I snapped.
"Do not tell me? To you, that you and woe to those who I have to Rome, I could never live anywhere else .. and bla bla bla! "
" It is not always joking, I'm serious. To lose a few kilometers a day and I do not have time to spend in traffic ... "
" You're really getting old my beauty! "He joked again.
sbuffai conspicuously and I got out.
Then, before entering I turned to him:
"I'll be getting old, but you already are!". E I gave him a tremendous fart.
Daniel ran to me and hugged me from behind
"You are a show, as always. Only you're too nervous, you'll be fine. "
There could still managed to calm me and make me smile. How could I live without his enthusiasm, his brightness and his optimism? I could not, not anymore.
On the way home, after having lost in a myriad of cakes decorated in the most imaginative and perfect cupcakes colorful, and smells are delicious, I allowed myself the luxury of closing my eyes. I was too tired to put a parlare e, soprattutto, per sostenere l’euforia di Daniele. Alla fine avevamo scelto una torta a quattro piani che riprendeva il drappeggio con fiori dell’abito, l’abito più importante della vita di una donna. L’avevo adorata nell’istante in cui ci avevo messo gli occhi sopra, era la mia. Ma passare un’altra ora nel traffico a parlare di quanto fosse bella e perfetta mi era impossibile. Mi accomodai sul sedile della Bmw station di Daniele e mi rilassai.
In un attimo una miriade di ricordi mi investì, come il vento gelido della notte precedente. Però, questa volta, erano ricordi belli.
Ripensai al giorno in cui conobbi Daniele. La prima volta. Stavo uscendo dal periodo più brutto della mia vita, ero sola e disperata. Nella mia mente passavano ininterrottamente flash di tutti gli errori che avevo commesso e di tutte le occasioni che avevo perso. Lo incontrai in chat, in uno di quei social network che nel giro di pochissimo tempo erano diventati la quotidianità di miliardi di persone. Ci conoscemmo attraverso un’amicizia comune, anche se, adesso, non avrei saputo dire di chi si trattasse. Cominciammo subito a parlare di noi, delle nostre esperienze. Ci trovammo bene da subito, era come se ci conoscessimo da una vita. Con lui riuscivo ad essere completamente me stessa e aprirgli il cuore fu una cosa spontanea e naturale.
Lo stesso fece lui con me. Trovammo immediatamente incredibile quanto le nostre vite fossero simili: io persa dietro un amore confuso e sbagliato, soffocata dall’incapacità di capire chi dei due ragazzi splendidi che avevo al mio fianco amassi di più. Lui: il terzo ragazzo di una storia troppo simile alla mia. Lui, l’amante. Quello da cui la donna che amava non riusciva a staccarsi, quello per il quale, però, non era pronta a lasciare il fidanzato...

“Solitamente – disse – quando il nostro cuore è diviso a metà, arriva always a third guy to dispel any doubt. In short, between the two litigants has the third, no? "
He said laughing and, strangely, made me laugh, too. For the first time in months and months of utter depression and black.
started to feel regular, always chatting. The evening had just returned home after a hard day's work, my first thought was connected to see if he was there. And he was there, with all its humorous jokes and his unshakable faith in the future.
We could not avoid it, soon after we met. He came to me and waited downstairs. I went down with bated breath for the thrill of will be faced in a long time past only to chat. Daniel was leaning on his car and was smoking. Man ran and hugged him really happy. We stayed like that for a long time. It was he who broke the ice
"What a strange feeling. Being here with you until an hour ago that you were just a picture. And yet a fake picture I think! "
" Fintissima, I got it from the Internet. I did not want to put my face on Facebook! "
" His face did not you making sure there was no one, and I say, information about you. "
" Yes, say that I joined so ... because there were all my friends, but I was not the right time to put on a play or know people. Before I met you I never connected, "I admitted without shame.
"And then you started to connect but every night ... I should feel flattered?"
'Do it! "And I burst out laughing.
He ruffled my hair:
"You're really beautiful - he said - straight out of a Woody Allen movie"
I looked at him without understanding, he saw it and said:
“Le donne di Woody Allen sono tutte estremamente sensuali, eteree, incantevoli. Hanno una femminilità accattivante, diversa da quella di tutte le altre. Sono eleganti ecco!”
“Bè, grazie allora!”
Mi prese sottobraccio e cominciammo a camminare. Roma era incantevole quella sera, stranamente calma, in giro c’erano pochissime persone. L’aria era calda nonostante fossimo ad ottobre inoltrato e la luna, bella, tonda, faceva capolino dietro una nuvola illuminando la nostra passeggiata.
“Hai cenato?!” Gli chiesi.
“Veramente no, speravo to do with you. You've already eaten? "
I shook my head, but I was hoping to do with him.
"Where you taking me? I do not know the local in these parts. "
"Do you like live music, jazz?"
We went to a pub in Via Crescenzio, a historic music pub recently where I spent most of my evenings, the Fonclea. That evening a jazz band would devote a tremendous tribute to Nat King Cole. We sat in a central table and we ordered steak and wine. We ate, laughed and joked for all the time. It was a pleasant and enjoyable evening slipped away quickly from one story to another.
"I tried to go out with this woman, very pleasant, elegant, serious. A lawyer also quoted a lot. We also spent a good time together ... but nothing exceptional. The heart is still here, looking comfortable inside my chest - he paused taking a sip of wine - perhaps waiting for you! "
" Maybe - smiles - but are you sure you want to risk it? I am a woman very unstable. Not pleasant, not elegant and absolutely not serious. So also are a good designer, but still are not as listed company. "
He came up with his face to mine
" You're the most elegant woman I have ever attended and even more enjoyable. On the serious step, but it is an important quality, and work .. Well I'll become the most quoted "
Daniel was a public relations and opened the way for different personalities that they now had a terrific career. He had taken from the bottom and carried out hand in hand with success. Obviously this was very proud, but did not speak in an arrogant way. Quite the contrary. It was a modest person, and if it were not for his incredible enthusiasm, I would not resa conto di quanto in realtà tenesse al suo lavoro. Aveva un ufficio fuori Roma e si divideva tra l’organizzazione di grandi eventi in città, e la creazione di vere e proprie comunicazioni istituzionali. Inoltre curava l’ufficio stampa per diverse aziende. Sicuramente, se avesse voluto avrebbe potuto farmi diventare nel giro di pochissimo tempo la stilista più in voga. Ma quella sera a questo non pensai assolutamente. Non uscivo con un uomo da almeno un anno e l’ultima volta era stato un disastro. Come una calamita avevo attirato verso di me amori sbagliati e personalità contorte. Tutto senza mai riuscire a far sparire quel magone che mi portavo dietro dalla storia precedente. L’ultima e la più importante. Quella sera, con Daniele, I thought that with him on the side I would have made. I finally forgotten him, the man who had lost and the lack of which had never ceased to hurt me all those years.
When he drove me home a few hours later, he hugged me gently. I had spent all the way from Via Crescenzio to my house, then we live on even with my family, thinking about how we'd said goodbye. If I would have kissed her. Or if you would try to get more. I do not deny that I was very nervous, I did not know what to expect and neither, to be honest, what I hoped.
But Daniel did nothing. Do not try to kiss me, even he did not use the excuse to give themselves a good night. Neither did nothing. She hugged me and greeted me. Greetings embarrassed. Awkward and clumsy, as if he felt it difficult to let go. But, simultaneously, as if he had an alternative. Perhaps, he thought it was too early. He was a gentleman, one of the past. A man who respected the woman completely. Here, I respected him that night. It continued to do so for all the years that followed. "


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