Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Where To Fownload Baitbus


We wish you Merry Christmas and happy holidays ... We give some 'rest and some gitarella which we'll tell you next year .... Hello to all !!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Green Core Metal Core Wheels


And here's my new plaid spotted for the cold winter nights .. An object must for a fashionable jack .. Note my dumbfounded look ... ;-)

Balck And White Birthday Invitation Wording

Una gita consigliata

Dear friends, a bit ', indeed, very late, we want you to see pictures of a big international event that takes place in Bra, in the province Cuneo, every two years.
The photos are of the end of September but friends who made them have been sent just now. Ve invite to the show in two years, for a ride. It is really worth.
On this occasion I present to you my papi (with mami) while in the next post I will show you with pride my first Christmas present ..

Friday, December 4, 2009

Whey Protein Buy Singapore Store

Su le orecchie amici blogger!

Il mio papi ha ricevuto stamattina un'informativa dai servizi veterinari della Regione Veneto circa la presenza in questa regione di nuovi casi di "Rabbia Silvestre", tali da rendere obbligatoria per gli amici a quattro zampe residenti in questa regione la vaccinazione antirabbica. Pare che anche la Lombardia seguirà a ruota. Noi del Piemonte non so. E' una notizia di stamane, prendetela con beneficio di inventario e di ulteriori conferme circa le modalità e soprattutto.. no panic!! Ma... statevi accuort....;-) ;-)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What Is Peak Level Of Carbon Monoxide Detector

E' tornato il sole!!

Well .. after days of rain boring, here is that the sky has given us a clear but chilly day .. So I took the mami and I dragged to the park .. An hour of games and races and then, happy as a clam, I went back to the cottage to make jelly! Ps
not tell you I never asked, but what do you think of my super tuft at the tip to the tail? It is not cute? No, because here is a life that I butt of consumer jokes for this story ....:-(