Friday, March 11, 2011

Multiconference Skype

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" 'Tis some days that I think, I try to understand. But the result is a collage of bad thoughts, conjectures, hypotheses, points balances achieved and then denied. I am not never been good at rationalizing. My friend always told me "razionalizzalo, and then you'll see that it will get better." He told me this all would have told me, I am sure this time. But I, this time with her I preferred to keep quiet. Yes because she is the physical manifestation of my soul is that part of me that lately I'm avoiding, is the mirror through which I see all the complexity of this situation. It scares me. If you do not see it I can ignore it, or at least try. Complex things are, after all, my daily bread, makes life difficult for me and I do it almost on purpose. How to live happily if it were a pity that I can not give. But maybe this time is not only a complex thing. More. But I dare not call it, should I do first to rationalize it ... and I'm not capable.
Nevertheless, I'd understand. Understand certain dynamics, certain silences, certain utterances, certain emotions, certain behaviors. But, just when I think I "know" what comes comportamneto I reject in total uncertainty. I was wrong? That it is not what I think? That in the end we are two completely different but parallel universes? I have over too? Whether you just played? WE does not exist and not just because it's complicated? Or maybe I exaggerate? I want to be the center of your world instead, and by force of circumstances, is made of many other people who walk in with you and you a lot longer than me, and have every right to be that their center?
But above all, is this really what I want for me?! What I face moving towards you? And it is right to do so? Or maybe it would be better to let it go ... to ignore, to forget. Maybe I could even ignore, but forget not, I do not think is possible.
Then everything is dark and you also lose color .... "


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