Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bait Bus Waiting For Bus

Riflessioni sulla felicità.

(Jordi Labanda)

What is happiness?
You can find a definition for happiness, or this concept as ephemeral and illusory, is something that escapes the confines of a cold already assigned definition?
last night after reading the post by Francis I reflected on my personal idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness.
Happiness is that moment, even foolish or no logical explanation, which will capture and overwhelms you. It 's a feeling, a wonderful state that makes you see everything in a different light. Or just under the light, where before there were only shadows.
Happiness is feeling good about themselves. It does not matter con chi sei, dove sei, cosa possiedi, chi vuoi diventare, quali e quanti progetti hai, se vivi in strada o in una villa, se hai le tasche piene o vuote. Quello che importa è stare bene dentro, nel profondo. Certo, tutte quelle cose che dicevo prima influenzano molto il raggiungimento della felicità, ovvio. Ma se stai bene con te, puoi sempre trovare il lato positivo di ogni cosa. Rialzarti se sei caduto. Combattere anche se stai perdendo. Sorridere anche se tutto ti spingerebbe a piangere. Allora, forse, la felicità come stato è qualcosa di illusorio e momentaneo. Troppo momentaneo. E fugace. Mentre la serenità, solo la serenità, è quello stato che ti permette di sentirti leggero anche nella pesantezza di ogni giorno. Forse, course. I have not yet understood. UNFORTUNATELY!
few days ago I thought I'd be happy ... I do not know that happiness is not a place to be reached following a map, but it's so personal and subjective that everyone has to walk in life. You got into the rhythm of that passage, and despite all the efforts you can do, you can not change it. It 's so unnatural to think you can change the pitch that, sooner or later, without even realizing it, go back to basics. In what you are. Inevitably. What we can change, however, is the relationship you have with your way of walking. If you know what you do, you can learn to accept it and manage it. Stopping when you're out of breath if you run too much. Or increasing the pace, if you're falling behind.
Perhaps, and I stress maybe, you can learn to be happy. Learning, first of all, loving. So as you are, with all the advantages but, above all, with all faults. If we accept we are a step towards the attainment of happiness. As a state. Or maybe not? Or maybe that's the serenity?
I do not know the answer to these questions. I do not even know if you'll never learn to be happy. What I know is that happiness lies in moments and know how to live when they arrive. Godendoseli ringranziando and heaven for those wonderful "state of grace."
Happiness is being able to recognize.


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