Saturday, March 12, 2011

Vidoes Of People Masterbateing Of Men

Dopo di Lui (cosa accadrà?!!)

"... The guest list was ready. Lying with attention and care, without forgetting anyone. He looked at me from above the table the kitchen and reminded me that only one month to the big day. A month in which I alternate to the usual boring questions everyday practical issues such as flowers, location, invitations, dress, acconciantura, makeup, menus, gifts. If I could, I would have gladly avoided all this uproar of constraints. But those were the rules and I'd met. Also because the only thing that I really wanted, from the bottom, was that that day was perfect. As I had always dreamed of. To this I would have done everything with extreme care and attention. For this time, despite the sleepless nights, I took the car, I would have done 20 km in traffic and I was going to choose the cake.
Daniel joined me soon after. He was very excited preparations liked him a lot.
"So - I said - you have some idea?"
I leaned back, I did not.
"Come on, Claudia, always so unhappy. My love and do a smile every now and then! These are things that we do, we can not delegate. It's our event, our "
He repeated stressing the tone of voice that adjective.
Prayer. You incredible flood of feelings that could inspire in me. It meant that I was not alone, that he was there by my side. That together we would face all the grains, but also all the joys of that period. Prayer, yes, it was our event and everything would be all for the better.
smiled at a time of Daniel that kept looking at me with smiling eyes and confident
"Well, some ideuzza I have, however, we also see what the chef suggests. What do you say? "
" I say it is perfect, and we choose the most fantastic cake that will have to propose! "
His cheerfulness did me good, hugged him a little 'more enthusiastic myself.
As I had planned, the route was on fire. To get to the euro from home we stayed in line for over an hour. I was distraught, nerves and stress.
"This city is starting mulches to close, "I snapped.
"Do not tell me? To you, that you and woe to those who I have to Rome, I could never live anywhere else .. and bla bla bla! "
" It is not always joking, I'm serious. To lose a few kilometers a day and I do not have time to spend in traffic ... "
" You're really getting old my beauty! "He joked again.
sbuffai conspicuously and I got out.
Then, before entering I turned to him:
"I'll be getting old, but you already are!". E I gave him a tremendous fart.
Daniel ran to me and hugged me from behind
"You are a show, as always. Only you're too nervous, you'll be fine. "
There could still managed to calm me and make me smile. How could I live without his enthusiasm, his brightness and his optimism? I could not, not anymore.
On the way home, after having lost in a myriad of cakes decorated in the most imaginative and perfect cupcakes colorful, and smells are delicious, I allowed myself the luxury of closing my eyes. I was too tired to put a parlare e, soprattutto, per sostenere l’euforia di Daniele. Alla fine avevamo scelto una torta a quattro piani che riprendeva il drappeggio con fiori dell’abito, l’abito più importante della vita di una donna. L’avevo adorata nell’istante in cui ci avevo messo gli occhi sopra, era la mia. Ma passare un’altra ora nel traffico a parlare di quanto fosse bella e perfetta mi era impossibile. Mi accomodai sul sedile della Bmw station di Daniele e mi rilassai.
In un attimo una miriade di ricordi mi investì, come il vento gelido della notte precedente. Però, questa volta, erano ricordi belli.
Ripensai al giorno in cui conobbi Daniele. La prima volta. Stavo uscendo dal periodo più brutto della mia vita, ero sola e disperata. Nella mia mente passavano ininterrottamente flash di tutti gli errori che avevo commesso e di tutte le occasioni che avevo perso. Lo incontrai in chat, in uno di quei social network che nel giro di pochissimo tempo erano diventati la quotidianità di miliardi di persone. Ci conoscemmo attraverso un’amicizia comune, anche se, adesso, non avrei saputo dire di chi si trattasse. Cominciammo subito a parlare di noi, delle nostre esperienze. Ci trovammo bene da subito, era come se ci conoscessimo da una vita. Con lui riuscivo ad essere completamente me stessa e aprirgli il cuore fu una cosa spontanea e naturale.
Lo stesso fece lui con me. Trovammo immediatamente incredibile quanto le nostre vite fossero simili: io persa dietro un amore confuso e sbagliato, soffocata dall’incapacità di capire chi dei due ragazzi splendidi che avevo al mio fianco amassi di più. Lui: il terzo ragazzo di una storia troppo simile alla mia. Lui, l’amante. Quello da cui la donna che amava non riusciva a staccarsi, quello per il quale, però, non era pronta a lasciare il fidanzato...

“Solitamente – disse – quando il nostro cuore è diviso a metà, arriva always a third guy to dispel any doubt. In short, between the two litigants has the third, no? "
He said laughing and, strangely, made me laugh, too. For the first time in months and months of utter depression and black.
started to feel regular, always chatting. The evening had just returned home after a hard day's work, my first thought was connected to see if he was there. And he was there, with all its humorous jokes and his unshakable faith in the future.
We could not avoid it, soon after we met. He came to me and waited downstairs. I went down with bated breath for the thrill of will be faced in a long time past only to chat. Daniel was leaning on his car and was smoking. Man ran and hugged him really happy. We stayed like that for a long time. It was he who broke the ice
"What a strange feeling. Being here with you until an hour ago that you were just a picture. And yet a fake picture I think! "
" Fintissima, I got it from the Internet. I did not want to put my face on Facebook! "
" His face did not you making sure there was no one, and I say, information about you. "
" Yes, say that I joined so ... because there were all my friends, but I was not the right time to put on a play or know people. Before I met you I never connected, "I admitted without shame.
"And then you started to connect but every night ... I should feel flattered?"
'Do it! "And I burst out laughing.
He ruffled my hair:
"You're really beautiful - he said - straight out of a Woody Allen movie"
I looked at him without understanding, he saw it and said:
“Le donne di Woody Allen sono tutte estremamente sensuali, eteree, incantevoli. Hanno una femminilità accattivante, diversa da quella di tutte le altre. Sono eleganti ecco!”
“Bè, grazie allora!”
Mi prese sottobraccio e cominciammo a camminare. Roma era incantevole quella sera, stranamente calma, in giro c’erano pochissime persone. L’aria era calda nonostante fossimo ad ottobre inoltrato e la luna, bella, tonda, faceva capolino dietro una nuvola illuminando la nostra passeggiata.
“Hai cenato?!” Gli chiesi.
“Veramente no, speravo to do with you. You've already eaten? "
I shook my head, but I was hoping to do with him.
"Where you taking me? I do not know the local in these parts. "
"Do you like live music, jazz?"
We went to a pub in Via Crescenzio, a historic music pub recently where I spent most of my evenings, the Fonclea. That evening a jazz band would devote a tremendous tribute to Nat King Cole. We sat in a central table and we ordered steak and wine. We ate, laughed and joked for all the time. It was a pleasant and enjoyable evening slipped away quickly from one story to another.
"I tried to go out with this woman, very pleasant, elegant, serious. A lawyer also quoted a lot. We also spent a good time together ... but nothing exceptional. The heart is still here, looking comfortable inside my chest - he paused taking a sip of wine - perhaps waiting for you! "
" Maybe - smiles - but are you sure you want to risk it? I am a woman very unstable. Not pleasant, not elegant and absolutely not serious. So also are a good designer, but still are not as listed company. "
He came up with his face to mine
" You're the most elegant woman I have ever attended and even more enjoyable. On the serious step, but it is an important quality, and work .. Well I'll become the most quoted "
Daniel was a public relations and opened the way for different personalities that they now had a terrific career. He had taken from the bottom and carried out hand in hand with success. Obviously this was very proud, but did not speak in an arrogant way. Quite the contrary. It was a modest person, and if it were not for his incredible enthusiasm, I would not resa conto di quanto in realtà tenesse al suo lavoro. Aveva un ufficio fuori Roma e si divideva tra l’organizzazione di grandi eventi in città, e la creazione di vere e proprie comunicazioni istituzionali. Inoltre curava l’ufficio stampa per diverse aziende. Sicuramente, se avesse voluto avrebbe potuto farmi diventare nel giro di pochissimo tempo la stilista più in voga. Ma quella sera a questo non pensai assolutamente. Non uscivo con un uomo da almeno un anno e l’ultima volta era stato un disastro. Come una calamita avevo attirato verso di me amori sbagliati e personalità contorte. Tutto senza mai riuscire a far sparire quel magone che mi portavo dietro dalla storia precedente. L’ultima e la più importante. Quella sera, con Daniele, I thought that with him on the side I would have made. I finally forgotten him, the man who had lost and the lack of which had never ceased to hurt me all those years.
When he drove me home a few hours later, he hugged me gently. I had spent all the way from Via Crescenzio to my house, then we live on even with my family, thinking about how we'd said goodbye. If I would have kissed her. Or if you would try to get more. I do not deny that I was very nervous, I did not know what to expect and neither, to be honest, what I hoped.
But Daniel did nothing. Do not try to kiss me, even he did not use the excuse to give themselves a good night. Neither did nothing. She hugged me and greeted me. Greetings embarrassed. Awkward and clumsy, as if he felt it difficult to let go. But, simultaneously, as if he had an alternative. Perhaps, he thought it was too early. He was a gentleman, one of the past. A man who respected the woman completely. Here, I respected him that night. It continued to do so for all the years that followed. "

Friday, March 11, 2011

Multiconference Skype

Senza colore...

" 'Tis some days that I think, I try to understand. But the result is a collage of bad thoughts, conjectures, hypotheses, points balances achieved and then denied. I am not never been good at rationalizing. My friend always told me "razionalizzalo, and then you'll see that it will get better." He told me this all would have told me, I am sure this time. But I, this time with her I preferred to keep quiet. Yes because she is the physical manifestation of my soul is that part of me that lately I'm avoiding, is the mirror through which I see all the complexity of this situation. It scares me. If you do not see it I can ignore it, or at least try. Complex things are, after all, my daily bread, makes life difficult for me and I do it almost on purpose. How to live happily if it were a pity that I can not give. But maybe this time is not only a complex thing. More. But I dare not call it, should I do first to rationalize it ... and I'm not capable.
Nevertheless, I'd understand. Understand certain dynamics, certain silences, certain utterances, certain emotions, certain behaviors. But, just when I think I "know" what comes comportamneto I reject in total uncertainty. I was wrong? That it is not what I think? That in the end we are two completely different but parallel universes? I have over too? Whether you just played? WE does not exist and not just because it's complicated? Or maybe I exaggerate? I want to be the center of your world instead, and by force of circumstances, is made of many other people who walk in with you and you a lot longer than me, and have every right to be that their center?
But above all, is this really what I want for me?! What I face moving towards you? And it is right to do so? Or maybe it would be better to let it go ... to ignore, to forget. Maybe I could even ignore, but forget not, I do not think is possible.
Then everything is dark and you also lose color .... "

Monday, February 28, 2011

Tongue Web Infection Signs

....Io,te... e lui (piccolo assaggio!)

Claudia grabbed the jacket and the bag was in a terrible state but was not interested at all. He ran with all the energy that was inside, cutting the road to people and even cars . It was fast while the sun was slowly covered by a dark cloud. Manuel ran thinking, the desire to love and be loved. He ran a play for the future and perhaps a lifetime. For a long time had the next man in her life and she was not aware of it. And now that it was losing in danger of going mad. It was then, because he had to take it back, he had to tell him, was to love him.
The race was stopped just before the massive wooden door of the apartment of Manuel. Inside a light revealed his presence. He played strong, with violence. Two, three, four times. Nothing. But he was there: the light was on. He hit the wood of the door with his fist, hand tight, then with both hands felt a sharp pain. Insistently, shouting his name.
"Manuel let me in!".
Manuel heard his voice, was inexplicably happy to hear it. He pulled himself from Eleanor and went to open it.
"Why yell so much? And above all why did you come? "
Churches stupid, annoyed, angry, but happy to have her there, before his eyes. Inexplicably.
"I need to talk and I will not go until I will have it done."
"I think we've already said everything!"
"No, you said everything! I have not said anything and you have to listen. "
Perché Claudia insisteva tanto? Che ci tenesse davvero a lui? Tanto più che sembrava davvero disperata, lo guardava supplichevole e stanca. Gli occhi lucidi, le guance rosse. Sembrava vulnerabile. Sembrava triste. Ma era determinata.
“Ora basta Claudia, vattene!”.
La voce di Eleonora, appena comparsa sull’uscio, la colpì provocandole l’irrefrenabile impulso di metterle le mani addosso.
“Non mi risulta che questo appartamento sia tuo, quindi non puoi cacciarmi.”
Si voltò verso Manuel aspettando la sua decisione:
“Manuel dammi solo due minuti. Devi ascoltarmi e dopo, se vorrai, sparirò dalla tua vita. Ti prego..”, frignò. The expression of contracted
Manuel was melting, Claudia saw it rising and the blow
"Manuel Please, let me tell you how things really went!"
stared imploringly, her voice was as warm as always, and persuasive as ever.
"Get rid of Eleanor and listen to what I have to say."
"What? You have to leave you "- yelled pushing her out the door -" Manuel is now with me, can no longer be duped by your eyes from cat in heat. "
Claudia did not give any importance to these words, he watched and waited Manuel confident.
Manuel felt his heart beat so strong be confused with the sound of the thunder storm was coming.
"Go away!" He said without taking his eyes from Claudia and without betraying the slightest emotion.
"Did you hear?" - Said Eleanor triumphant - "Go"
"Not you, you!", Explained Manuel turned to his Eleanor.
Claudia's eyes came on again and my heart stopped for a few moments, began to beat normally. Eleanor took the bag, was destroyed. Manuel caressed her:
"I'll call you soon, do not worry. I have to resolve this once and for all! "Reassured Manuel.
But she did not feel absolutely the quietest: it was clear he had lost.

Manuel closed the door quietly. He did not know what to expect and consequently it was uncomfortable.
"Do not let illusions" - clear - "I'm not going to erase and rewrite the idea that I have for you, now it is indelibly engraved in my head and heart"
He admitted his voice cracking by a sharp pain. Claudia did not let down, would have clarified any possible misunderstanding and then he would decide whether there was still something to write.
"Okay, but you have to promise not to interrupt until I finish. I let them talk without comment and without replicas "
"I do not promise anything," he said angrily.
"At least try it!" He insisted Claudia.
Manuel went into the kitchen, put a coffee pot on the stove and waited for the coffee to come out. He felt dizzy, and needed to be polished. The coffee would wake up and would make his mental faculties intact. Claudia joined him and sat on a chair beside him. Manuel handed her a cup like a perfectly normal thing to offer you a cup of coffee after the bad words. She took it without saying anything as nothing was said Manuel. He drank it in one gulp even if it was hot and began to speak.
"When a few days ago you came to me and you opened your cuore, io ho creduto alla sincerità di ciò che mi dicevi anche se di motivi di dubitare ne avevo mille. Tu eri il ragazzo strafottente e sicuro di sé che in due anni di corso ha cercato in tutti i modi di rendermi la vita un inferno riuscendoci, tra l’altro, alla perfezione. E eri un dongiovanni incallito, ragazza dopo ragazza, avventura dopo avventura, andavi avanti così senza fermarti mai.”
 Manuel tentò di interromperla ma Claudia gli mise una mano gelida sulla bocca.
“Io ho creduto a te, alle tue parole, ai tuoi occhi commossi. Ora tocca a te, Manuel. Devi lasciare che io ti apra il mio cuore, devi ascoltarmi. Me lo devi”.
Manuel annuì e lei continuò.
“È vero, ti ho nascosto quello che è accaduto con Francesco ma l’ho fatto perché non volevo deluderti, sapevo cosa pensavi. Credevo di aver trovato in Francesco l’amore vero, quello con la A maiuscola, perciò ho aspettato che lui prendesse una decisione; nel frattempo ho continuato ad uscire con lui. Pensavo, e speravo, che lui avrebbe avuto il coraggio di chiudere con il passato e di iniziare con me. Ma quando mi sono resa conto che lui non riusciva a farlo, quando ho capito che non ero felice e che non lo ero mai stata davvero con Francesco, sono stata io a chiudere con lui. Ho chiuso con le sue incertezze, con i suoi dubbi, con il suo temperamento debole e immaturo. E quando finalmente I got rid of that burden, I had the opportunity to reflect on many things, I realized I made a lot of confusion, of ignoring emotions and feelings. I took some time to clarify my feelings and held me tight while the other night I had the certainty of knowing that he had already revealed itself in me that I wanted to Manuel and that perhaps you always wanted. That you were right when they accused me of not angry with you because I had courted the beginning. But it was necessary for me to live that relationship to understand that it was not anything important to understand that in my heart you were there. See, first it was like a dense fog prevented me to see what I really felt. I was wrong when I ignored the obvious, you were right about everything. You were right when you told me that Francis would not be the last man that I loved. Then I was blind. I had only looked behind and I saw what was before me. Yet, when there was so much I missed you. I missed the things that you could give me in a short time: the thrill of a kiss of a gentle hug, a look of amazement, the 'ardent desire .. "
Manuel was very concentrated and apparently detached. But that voice, those words .. how long had the dream! Claudia was moving slowly in his soul, the heart caressed, kissed his mind.
"Manuel" - sussurrò prendendogli la mano - “Io sono innamorata di te!”
Manuel deglutì a fatica, un uragano di emozioni lo investì. Si alzò dalla sedia avvicinandosi alla finestra. Una leggera pioggerella stava cominciando a scendere, picchiettava sulla finestra e inzuppava ogni cosa.
“Il pensiero di perderti mi stava facendo impazzire Manuel. Ci ho messo un po’ a capire, ma dimmi che non è tardi”
“Lo è!”
“Perché è … è una questione di rispetto!”
“Oh Manuel, io ti rispetto”
“Insomma Claudia, tu non puoi giocare con i miei sentimenti. To everything there is a limit and you're passing! "
Manuel was nervous, he began to fiddle with the shutter.
"I can not get involved again to you!"
"Why? I've never deceived: now you know, right? Now believe me, right? Do not punish me for something that has happened before. You once told me you'd have given anything for my love, well I'm giving it to you, do not reject it. " Claudia
approached him. Big tears rolled down his face. Manuel jumped back to avoid that contact.
"Are you nervous?"
"Nervous is an understatement" - whispered that Manuel intanto respirava a fatica - “Stammi a sentire Claudia, non voglio che tu mi spezzi il cuore”
“Sai bene che potresti maledizione. La mia ossessione per te mi sta rovinando, non mi riconosco davvero più!”
“A me piaci tanto così, io ti voglio così…”
“Tu mi sei entrata dentro e non riesco a mandarti via, accidenti!”.
Un urto e la tapparella cadde giù, rotta. La stanza si fece improvvisamente più buia. Ora Claudia era in penombra e più vicina. Sempre più vicina. E minacciosa, meravigliosamente minacciosa.
“Non devi mandarmi via perché io ti amo. Fidati di me…”
Claudia si avvicinò ancora di più a Manuel che arretrò, appoggiandosi alla parete.
“Mi vuoi ancora Manuel?”
“Sai bene qual è la risposta”.
Sì che la voleva, la desiderava pazzamente ma aveva paura di abbandonarsi a lei. Manuel ci stava mettendo il cuore, ce lo aveva sempre messo.
“Qual è la risposta?”, insistette lei, ora sicura e determinata.
“Io devo andare avanti con la mia vita, non posso permetterti di sconvolgerla ancora”.
“Questo l’hai già detto. Mi vuoi Manuel?”, lo sollecitò con il batticuore facendogli scivolare le mani intorno al collo e allacciandogliele dietro la nuca.
“Io Manuel and I want you to want me. "
He pushed against him until their bodies to match perfectly. He stood on tiptoe and touched his lips gently. Manuel could no longer resist. Slipped a hand through his hair Claudia and drew even more of her, kissing her hungrily. Claudia took off her shirt and slowly unbuttoned his shirt by sliding on the floor. Manuel felt the fire invade the veins. The blood began to beat louder. He took her gently in his arms and carried her into the room. The laid back on the bed and stood looking at it. Claudia skin was white and smooth as marble: he had never seen anything more perfect, and delicate. He ran his hands over the smooth surface of her back and unhooked her bra with pink lace. He stroked her, while shafts of light filtered from the copper-colored Persian wet from the storm, lighting up their bodies. Caresses, kisses, then Manuel sits on her holding her breath. Claudia opened her eyes enraptured, no one had ever touched so gently. Threw back his head won pleasure.
"I love you" - he said, kissing every inch of her body - "I love you."
He repeated as he entered her.
They made love with gentleness and love, kidnapped by an incredible feeling, the magic of it forever.
Più tardi, distesi sotto le lenzuola, lui le accarezzò i capelli,
“Non riesco ancora a credere che tu sia qui con me, nel mio letto. Non sai per quanto tempo l’ho desiderato…”
Claudia sorrise. Raggiante, emozionata, entusiasta e piena di energia.
“E ora? Cosa succede ora?”
“Io so solo che stringo il mondo tra le mani e non voglio perdere questa sensazione meravigliosa. Sensazione che solo tu mi puoi dare.”
Sussurrò Manuel.
Claudia lo guardò intensamente, studiò ogni linea del suo viso, ogni espressione dei suoi occhi:
 “Ma sei vero?” - chiese alla fine - “Non sei un sogno da cui mi wake up? "
In response to Manuel involved in a long, passionate kiss. Claudia is left to him and wave of desire that pushed her into a gentle vortex.
"Is it truly a dream?" Manuel muttered as he entered her.
Claudia did not have the strength to answer, she moaned with pleasure and squeezed her arms around the back of Manuel. No, it was a dream. At last it was time for her to live a magical story. Finally he found that half of the completed and that made her completely happy.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Splicer Masquerade Masks

Metti un giorno (palindromo) da Arduino Sacco Editore...

Put any day. Put a train journey strangely comfortable. Put a sweet, almost spring. Put a quiet street. And put a dream is becoming reality. I do not know what will happen, but I know that is exactly what I hoped. I'm not excited or nervous. I'm just anxious. Eager to shake hands between my first copy. By serene, and I find them all. A gang of people willing and kind. I've already met more than once. But harmony is not new, I immediately felt. A skin, as always happens to me when there is harmony. I'm late, but I going to get there as soon as possible. With breath and began greeting the party.
must first "lay", we think Roberto . He does it with a seraphic calm, light and precise, careful and meticulous. Paginate my book and I see it take shape, the look and the chaos becomes harmony. I smile. It will not be the only time. Soon after, in a ballet of moving chairs, along with Luca begin to "decorate". It 'nice to Luca, a boy so sweet and nice. I give a lot of work to do, but never complains (at least not out loud, I wonder if it has made in the mind!) And smiles as she does, smiling kindly. And I, like a strange exchange, I smile to myself. While the cover of my book takes "life" get him, the redoubtable Dr. Carlo Alberto Cecchini .... fearful? But who will ever think of that?! He looked a lively, vibrant, awake. It fills me with words e. .. of lies.
tells me that 33 years to begin with. And I think, is young, why not! Find out who has "a few more." And then dare to say, Luke is a "priest." A priest? I ask curiously, I do not think a priest. Obviously there helmet and all day I turn to him as DON LUCA (!!!!) and tell him my experience of faith on the road to Santiago, without sparing the details of the meeting with Him (God). Who knows what they will think of that!
But how gullible I?!
In my personal celebration, Charles is definitely the music. What sounds great, and that gives meaning to everything. And then comes
Arduino ( Sacco), he at my festival brings food. A party without that party has a good buffet?! Can we all, but if we do not have fun on an empty stomach. And 'he that will complement the equipment (the layout of the book), the decorations (the cover) with something unique: the food ... LIFE, one of my characters. And will do so because we believe, because he loves his job and does it with passion and dedication. Every time I go
Enzo, always smiling (even him) and put in a good mood.
We're almost there, still a few details and everything is ready. It helps us Aurora's eyes are smiling and makes you peace of mind ... everything will be fine, seems to say. It gives you tips on tips and tells you every detail with sweetness. And it is women, in which a group of "male" dissolute (I do not want to be!) Is not bad at all. Meanwhile
have made the 14 and decided to go get something to eat. A wonderfully cheerful and relaxed dining. The place is beautiful, a great room (China), with chairs covered in white cloth, large dark wood tables and hung a bit 'everywhere, but in a very rational policy, brightly colored paintings. A perfect setting for our lunch (Chinese).
And then back to work, with grit and determination. Putting together all the pieces of a puzzle that eventually, once completed, would be perfect.
I, you ... and he , the puzzle is complete. Thanks to the whole "gang" for their work together, and for the nice day.
(And today is also a day palindrome (11 02 2011) which, since it is a rare event, it seems to bring good luck! And we hope for my "little creature "!!!)

White Bumps Lip Piercing

Io, te... e lui!

from here all started ...

project, only a few lines that gives shape to a thought. Painstaking work, but based on very little information. Simple. But fundamental. The only, perhaps, to be really important. And the magic begins. It 'a dance of souls who never tire while exhausted, not eating while they are filled. E 'balance though chaos ....

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Make Leg Warmer Fluffies

Sogni e felicità. La felicità dei sogni

few posts ago, I spoke of dreams. The need to pursue them, always. Believe it. To fight for them. To keep them close to the heart.
And only a few hours ago I talked of happiness. Of that perfect moment, a rare and wonderful, which embraces our life.
The opportunity to realize a dream that makes us happy. Realize it makes us happy. I am walking towards that dream. And that dream is here !
's just a preview, but I am pleased to share with you! A hug

Bait Bus Waiting For Bus

Riflessioni sulla felicità.

(Jordi Labanda)

What is happiness?
You can find a definition for happiness, or this concept as ephemeral and illusory, is something that escapes the confines of a cold already assigned definition?
last night after reading the post by Francis I reflected on my personal idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness.
Happiness is that moment, even foolish or no logical explanation, which will capture and overwhelms you. It 's a feeling, a wonderful state that makes you see everything in a different light. Or just under the light, where before there were only shadows.
Happiness is feeling good about themselves. It does not matter con chi sei, dove sei, cosa possiedi, chi vuoi diventare, quali e quanti progetti hai, se vivi in strada o in una villa, se hai le tasche piene o vuote. Quello che importa è stare bene dentro, nel profondo. Certo, tutte quelle cose che dicevo prima influenzano molto il raggiungimento della felicità, ovvio. Ma se stai bene con te, puoi sempre trovare il lato positivo di ogni cosa. Rialzarti se sei caduto. Combattere anche se stai perdendo. Sorridere anche se tutto ti spingerebbe a piangere. Allora, forse, la felicità come stato è qualcosa di illusorio e momentaneo. Troppo momentaneo. E fugace. Mentre la serenità, solo la serenità, è quello stato che ti permette di sentirti leggero anche nella pesantezza di ogni giorno. Forse, course. I have not yet understood. UNFORTUNATELY!
few days ago I thought I'd be happy ... I do not know that happiness is not a place to be reached following a map, but it's so personal and subjective that everyone has to walk in life. You got into the rhythm of that passage, and despite all the efforts you can do, you can not change it. It 's so unnatural to think you can change the pitch that, sooner or later, without even realizing it, go back to basics. In what you are. Inevitably. What we can change, however, is the relationship you have with your way of walking. If you know what you do, you can learn to accept it and manage it. Stopping when you're out of breath if you run too much. Or increasing the pace, if you're falling behind.
Perhaps, and I stress maybe, you can learn to be happy. Learning, first of all, loving. So as you are, with all the advantages but, above all, with all faults. If we accept we are a step towards the attainment of happiness. As a state. Or maybe not? Or maybe that's the serenity?
I do not know the answer to these questions. I do not even know if you'll never learn to be happy. What I know is that happiness lies in moments and know how to live when they arrive. Godendoseli ringranziando and heaven for those wonderful "state of grace."
Happiness is being able to recognize.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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Tutti i colori di cui abbiamo bisogno.

(Photo taken from the web)

Colors are a fact that makes the world more beautiful.
Imagine a world without color, like an old faded black and white photos of the past. Not a nuance or a flash or a reflection. A romantic sepia gray, but if it's just momentaneo.Se then raise our eyes and see the color of our life. The colors are the perception of our soul, is that something that gives a wonderful sense of everything. . These are the emotions, such as copper of a sunset, the feelings are like the red of passion, are enthusiasm, as the blue sea; are optimistic, as the charm of a landscape, they are also the despair, as the black of the pain. They are our world, what we have printed in the eyes, but first in his heart. They are the symbolic universe that represents us and that often determines. The colors are those that we see around us when we are happy when we love makes the heart beat. The colors, the music as another essential component of our lives, are a means through which our soul back to heaven. Notes and colors. Two worlds meet and strike us to the heart. Like the look of someone who just can not resist, like the smile that confirms an affinity, like the softness of an interior after removing the peel.
Come me, come ognuno di noi.
Per vedere tutti i colori del mondo, i più belli e luminosi, chiudete gli occhi come ho fatto io e ascoltate....
Solo due colori, il bianco e il nero dei tasti di un pianoforte. Due colori che nel magico susseguirsi di una composizione danno vita a tutti i colori della nostra anima....

tutti i colori di cui abbiamo bisogno

Un abbraccio, Giorgia

Monday, January 24, 2011

Funny Wordingwedding Invitation

Una capatina sul blog..

Dear friends, we are here to greet a .. Time passes, sometimes quickly, sometimes not, mami is always taken by his care that are very demanding and force them to long periods of absence from the world ", but luckily I'm here, the super-nurse Milla .. I stuck the whole day, not missing a moment, and monitoring his every move, you're sure we'll reach the end of this sad story even more united than before. There are still a couple of months and then we can start to live like all healthy people. Above all, at that point, it is spring and I can get back mami and long walks letting yourself be pampered by the sun. To how can we continue to follow you, we saw the cuddly newcomer in the house and Sofolina Margolulle and, finally, we found some of you on Facebook .. So see you soon, friends, bloggers, a slappatina affectionate to all of you ..

Friday, January 21, 2011

Where Can I Get A Footjob

Notte insolente, di pioggia e turbamenti.

Mezzanotte. Poi l'una. E l'una e mezza. Un senso si incompletezza. Un profondo bisogno di qualcosa, un qualcosa che non si definisce. La mente è accesa, proprio non riesce a spegnere il flusso dei pensieri, dei ragionamenti, conjectures. He stands there mocking making fun of me, and my heart. Harass him, the questions that he does, you know, can not answer.
Someone told me that only those who suffered in life has developed a special sensitivity that makes him more sensitive to everything. And this prevents him from feeling satisfied. And that, sooner or later, that uneasiness will become harassing a friend to learn to walk together. I do not know if this is true, above all do not know if I'll ever accept it, to "let me friend," what I know is that the person in question has completely changed within a very short time all my beliefs. And he did it without realizing it, and most likely unintentionally. After all did not do anything, think about it.
The insistent rain continues to beat on the windows, and the clock run faster. I fear the rain, especially on nights like this. It makes me feel weak, do not know why or how, but I felt in danger. Risk of what? They are inside, the warmth, all is quiet. But the rain runs on all of my deepest fears, the bathroom without being able to wash away. And as it falls seems to speak. The sound of rain mix all the voices I heard, or hear. At that ticking I'm here. And my anxiety. I look out the window, I try to open it in a while I get hit by a gust of wind. And with it all le vicende della mia vita, quelle belle ma soprattutto quelle brutte. Ricordi di errori commessi, sbagli fatti, dell'insoddisfazione che mi spinge a cercare, provare, riprovare senza mai sentirmi meglio. L'ho sempre fatto: hobby dopo hobby. C'è stato il momento per tutto, momenti piacevoli ma che sono scappati via dalle mie mani prima che potessero svilupparsi a pieno. No, non mi mancava nulla. Non mi manca nulla, sono una donna fortunata, e lo so. Ma non so essere felice, è come se fossi abituata a vivere in costante allerta. Come se da un momento all'altro chissà cosa dovesse accadere. Come se una bomba ad orologeria fosse qui vicino a me, pronta ad esplodere. E come se quel  bisogno sconosciuto che ho dentro e a cui non so dare né nome, né volto, né spiegazione, mi facesse provare una costante nostalgia... quel bisogno che, questa sera, proprio  non ne vuol sapere di lasciarmi andare.
Ma lo faccio io, non è la notte giusta per analizzarlo, per capirlo. Mi spingerebbe dove ho paura di andare, dove da ormai qualche giorno desidero andare. Ed è un desiderio folle, troppo folle per assecondarlo. Ho bisogno di tempo e di razionalità. Peccato che di razionale io non abbia nulla, né pensieri, né azioni. Seguo l'istinto. L'ho sempre fatto e, temo, lo farò anche questa volta. Nonostante tutto.
E questo non va affatto bene.
Forse è tutta colpa della mia vita precedente (ché ormai ci sto proprio in fissa!!), secondo quella donna (e lei è un'esperta!) ho lasciato qualcosa in sospeso. E passerò questa vita a cercare quel completamento.  Ma che sfiga maledetta....
Buon giorno a tutti, che questo nuovo giorno possa portare solo cose belle. E pensieri positivi. Per tutti.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pearl Jam Best 2010 Bootlegs

Questione di Karma 2

Ebbene sì, l'ho fatto ancora. Mi sono lasciata trascinare dal mio insensato bisogno di trovare un equilibrio e l'ho rifatto. Che poi, questo equilibrio, non è detto che io possa trovarlo in questo modo. Anzi, non è detto che io possa find it. Never. But you can not live without balance? You can walk the streets of life without being able to balance? There are people who, blessed them, have achieved peace. That wonderful state of mind that makes you feel right with yourself and the world. You see them smile and give off a light charming and enchanting. The light balance. I pretend to be there on time and then failed to note that not only I did not quite reached, but, worse still, I have moved even further from the target. I am a woman troubled, enigmatic, confusing, complicated and well contaddittoria. Patience, not a few lessons of Yoga to solve everything! Yet I did it again: I took off my shoes, socks, I took a very uncomfortable position and I tried with all of myself to have a greater awareness of my body and my mind.
Result: my body was all shaking. It hurt anything and I was starting to curse. And my mind? Well I had such a tangle of inner thoughts because of what I was doing out that harmony and balance were very far from my present state. In short, a real disaster.
And the teacher continued to breathe and speak with that song (you say?! Not bad, I'll be at the limit invented a new word!) Voice that made me shudder. And then thoughts. Always the same, for several days. Too many thoughts. A continuous flow. As I could relax by closing your eyes and putting in an unnatural position?
may be true that it takes time and that I must "learn" to trust the discipline, but I'm too anxious to let go. Yoga with me just does not work. So much hope of finding the balance.
According to some Eastern doctrines we are today the result of our previous lives. These doctrines relate mostly to the principle of cause and effect, "a concatenation principle that every action causes a reaction, binding, some of which are subject to samsara (the cycle of death and rebirth).

pillars of Eastern thought is Karma, the principle which leads to suffering if it produces negative karma, if you do good it produces good karma (of course). And in later life (but you see that bad luck!) You will pay for the actions above.
short, or I can not find a balance now, because in my past life I was the one that has produced negative Karma (and thus pay the consequences!) Or the troubles produced by my blatant lack of balance today, I will reincarnate into something terrible in the next life!
As I put put my poor soul is in trouble.
The only thing I can do is to restore groped a karmic reaction positiva.Come you as much as possible, this is ancora un mistero.
Buona notte a tutti e, mi raccomando, fate i bravi.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Dogs Urine Clear Like Water

A volte basta un incontro

Un silenzio imbarazzante. Strano. Decisamente non ordinario. L'unico rumore che si sente è il ticchettio dei tasti sulla tastiera del mio pc. Sono sola, la casa dorme. Se non fosse per i cani che abbaiano, tutto sarebbe pace.
Ho poco tempo ultimamente, e spesso quel tempo è pieno di rumore. Rumore della vita che va, del vociare delle persone che amo, dell'allegria degli amici, degli elettrodomestici in casa sempre accesi, della musica che accompagna ogni mio giorno, del traffico, dei pensieri.. Eh si, i miei pensieri fanno un rumore assordante. Non c'è verso di acquietarli, o farli urlare meno. Dicono che in poco tempo tutto can happen. Just a meeting, and that life is upset. Or maybe not. Maybe not just a meeting. Maybe it takes more than a few meetings. And coffee. And a chat. And a lively exchange of ideas and brilliant. It looks: looks of complicity disarming.
Suddenly, without knowing how or why, you find yourself with a tangle of emotions. And do not really know how to handle them. And you lose control, I hate to lose control of situations. It makes me feel in danger, as if any moment something bad happens.
And therefore I make more attentive, more difficult. I lock myself in a few words, so do not let anyone or anything to threaten my peace of mind. Or at least my "power to control." Who says I do not know well enough that I am a cool, detached, almost haughty. In truth, unfortunately, are just scared. Frightened by the news, by some new feelings. My friend Claudia, instead, you ensure that you let go. At the risk of mistakes or, worse, to suffer. Recently he has opened his heart after one of those chance encounters. A coffee, a chat, and she found herself inundated with new emotions. And trouble. But she lives them anyway. This must in itself, he says. Never mind that it is now poised between two completely different people together and does not know who the two allows choosing. After all, repeat, love is never easy.
It will, however I'm afraid that kind of meeting them. Because, ultimately, if I meet the right person, I also lose the head. And perhaps this has already happened.
Good night everyone, sweet dreams.