Thursday, December 2, 2010

Why Do People Wear A Rubber Band On Their Wrist

Maschi: riescono ancora a stupirmi.

now believed to have them all framed. I was wrong. There's still people who, when it is convinced that none of their behavior can still amaze me, leaves me speechless.
Well boys, we all know, are as follows: a bit 'children, very self-centered, and always terribly hunters .... But we love them so. Some. Others will kill them willingly se potessimo. O almeno, gli apriremmo volentieri la testa per togliere tutto quello che c'è dentro e riprogrammarli.
Lui l'ho notato subito. Spiccava sul gruppo di ragazzi semplici e genuini con il suo modo di fare charmante e fascinoso. Aveva lo sguardo vispo, acuto, svelto e vorace. Quel tipo di sguardo che ti fulmina, se sei un pochino ingenua. E aveva un look perfetto. I jeans aderivano alle sue gambe in maniera perfetta, il maglioncino sottolineava un torace scolpito seppur non troppo muscoloso. Il cappellino alla siciliana assecondava lo sguardo, rendendolo di fatto ancora più misterioso e magnetico. Per non parlare del profumo: aleggiava sfrontato nella piccola stanza insinuandosi nel mio naso (e nel mio cervello!) nonostante il mio totoale refusal. I came inside. And I liked it.
He was leaning against the wall with one foot over another and stared at what was around him with a bored attitude. He was studying. Studying the environment, of course. But most people studied. Above all, I was studying. But he did it with such ease as not to show it.
So when I sent the first email I was completely blown away: I did not expect.
As I did not expect his way to make sure that within a few mail has become explicit. We do know, there was no doubt about this. It was gently allusive and maliciously brought. It seemed that he could issue a magic fluid, I do not know how to keep me glued to the computer waiting for the next mail. And the next phase of courtship. Because it was clear I was courting. And did it well.
If I were a little more "helpless" I closed my eyes and I got to dream. But I, that the helpless had nothing for a long time, I understood the fly. He knew what he wanted and how to get it. It was perfect. A perfect latin lover. Too bad I had 6 years older than he and I were engaged.
possible that it's not interested at all? Possible that the security of its charm made him brash and overbearing (it was arrogance that he was using me with arrogance, flattering!)? In fact it left me completely speechless. And today, as his way of doing does not surprise me most, mi rimane  un'unica convinzione: maschi, più li conosco più mi meraviglio!


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